The University of Calgary together with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute are conducting an observational research study to get a better understanding of the development of thinking and memory problems in Parkinson disease (PD) compared to thinking and memory problems in general aging.

Who is eligible to participate in the study?

    • Men and women 60 years of age or older
    • Patients with Parkinson disease with and without mild cognitive impairment (mild memory and thinking problems)
    • Patients without Parkinson disease with and without mild cognitive impairment
    • Healthy volunteers without history of Parkinson’s or memory complaints such as spouses/partners (not blood related) of patients with PD

What is required of the participants?

Your participation will involve:

    • Eight (8) in-person visits of the course of the three year (36 month) study
    • At the initial visit, a one-time blood sample will be drawn for DNA collection
    • Your mood, memory and thinking will be assessed; this involves performing a series of tests and answering questionnaires
    • PD symptoms will be assessed
    • You will be asked to undergo five (5) MRI scans of your brain throughout this three year study

University of Calgary & Hotchkiss Brain Institute
REB 14-2463

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